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CO-MINDS – The Change Leaders

Women in Change

Female Career Building
CO-MINDS – Female Career Building

We coach and inspire talented female leaders to succeed in their careers. We believe that gender balance at all levels in organizations is better for the economy and society.


Through our 1:1 coaching, we develop women who want to become more self-confident, resilient and effective in their work on the way to management, the board of directors or supervisory board mandates.


We accompany women in their professional development and help them to achieve their professional goals and desired positions in preparation for and as part of taking on new positions and accompany women in transitional phases of their professional lives.


Here is a selection of possible tools that can be used:

  • Coaching

  • Mentoring

  • Leadership supervision

  • Personality development and measurement

  • 360 degree feedback

  • Assessments

  • Career advice

Women in Midlife – Menopause

Menopause is an exciting time that raises many questions. Every woman is unique, which is why women experience menopause very differently. For some, the quick prescription from the gynecologist is enough, for others that is not sufficient. Menopause coaching is about you, your experiences and your wishes. If you want to consciously shape the time of change - then menopause coaching is a good gift to yourself.


  • Are you already feeling changes but don't know why?

  • Would you like to find out more about menopause?

  • Or just be well prepared?

  • Are you already in transition and looking for support?


We accompany women in this exciting time of change and opportunity and provide a different perspective on the physical and mental processes in midlife. As long as their body is functioning, women do not pay much attention to it. If symptoms such as insomnia, hot flashes or dry mucous membranes suddenly appear, you may be frustrated. They can use these signs as early warning signals and take a closer look. 

We'll show you what options there are to deal with menopausal symptoms well. A change in diet can have a positive effect during this phase. Certain relaxation techniques can help restore inner balance.

It is important to understand: climacteric is not a disease. It is a time of change from which you can emerge stronger - if you actively deal with it.

During the conversation, we will clarify together where you currently stand, what challenges you need help with and what this might look like. 


Topics can be, for example:

  • Hormonal change, what changes and what symptoms can I expect during this time?

  • Nutrition, what do I need now?

  • Movement, what's good for me?

  • Menopausal symptoms, what can give me relief?

  • Loss of performance, what helps?

  • Changes in the living environment

Frauen in der Lebensmitte
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